Year 13 students farewelled at Leavers’ Dinner

The Year 13 students of 2017 had one last chance to dress up and celebrate together at the annual Leavers’ Dinner, held at the Alexandra Park function centre on Monday, 30 October.

It was a happy, relaxed evening, full of humour and a few tears as students prepared to go their separate ways.

Head Prefects Jaimee McLaughlan and Denzel Robertson gave their final speeches, their words tailored for their fellow students.

Year 13 Deans Ms Katie McColl and Mr Kerry Baker also each gave speeches, in which they looked back on their years as Deans of this group with affection and humour, saying it had been a privilege to get to know the students. Ms McColl’s speech had an added touch of poignancy as she is leaving Mount Albert Grammar to take up a position at another school. Jaimee and Denzel gave her a gift as a special farewell.

Each student received a Graduation certificate and was welcomed as an Albertian by Mr Dale Griffiths of the Albertians’ Association, and Form classes came together with their Form teachers one last time for a photo.

A highlight of the evening was the screening of the MAGS Leavers’ Video. This will be available to view on YouTube in the next few days.

Headmaster Patrick Drumm wished the students’ well for the future, assuring them the school had prepared them well for life beyond MAGS.