Enrolment Forms & Procedures

(All enrolments are done online)

In-Zone and Out-of-Zone Enrolments

Apply here

Fee-paying International Students

Apply here

In-Zone Applications

An application requires a number of documents to be uploaded at the time of submission.

These documents are to be in .pdf format. Some documents need to be downloaded from this website, completed, then saved as a .pdf, while others will be scanned images of original documents held by the parents.

To assist with planning for 2025, please submit your In-zone application by Friday, 5 July 2024.

Out-of-Zone applications

Out-of-zone applications require the same documentation as in-zone applications except there is no need to provide the three different forms of proof of residential address (as listed below).

Out-of-Zone Applications for 2025

It is likely Mount Albert Grammar School will be at full capacity in 2025.
Should the Mount Albert Grammar School Board of Trustees be in a position to approve any Year 9 out-of-zone enrolments, for 2025, these applications must be received before Wednesday, 4 September 2024, for a ballot on Wednesday, 11 September 2024.

Terms and Conditions for the acceptance
of an application

The legal guardian of the student, on behalf of whom an application is made, is required to agree to all of a number of terms and conditions by checking an ‘I agree’ box below each condition. Each of these conditions is listed below (click on each to find a copy of the text):

The Enrolment Scheme

The publication of the student’s image and work

The Cyber-safety Agreement

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

The School Rules


Safety at School

Orderly and Safe Conduct

The validity of information

An overall responsibility


Before you start: This online application form requires you to download some documents from this website, complete them, then upload them and some additional documents. Please see the note on naming the documents below. It would be wise to have these ready before you start.

The documents are:

The Health Information Form


Statutory Declaration Form 1 – completed for student who lives with a Parent(s) or Guardian (download then complete).


Statutory Declaration Form 2  – completed for a student who lives with a Caregiver or Other Person (download then complete).

• A copy of the student’s Birth Certificate or identification page of their passport

• Three different documents for proof of residential address. Each document must show the parent’s name, the address at which the student will live, and have a date no more than four weeks prior to the date of this application. Examples of these documents are a:

o Tenancy agreement

o Power bill (the whole bill showing supply address, not just postal address)

o Water bill (the whole bill showing supply address, not just postal address)

o Phone/internet bill (the whole bill showing supply address, not just postal address)

• A copy of the student’s most recent school report.

• If the application is for a place in School House or Centennial House, our boys and girls boarding establishments, a downloaded and completed School House Application Form or Centennial House Application Form.

The School reserves the right to request original copies of documents that have been uploaded as part of the enrolment process.

Completion of this application does not guarantee a place at MAGS. Confirmation of an offer of a place will be sent to the parent in due course. Should you experience difficulties in completing this form, please contact the Enrolment Officer by email at [email protected], or by phone during normal school hours, 8.30am-3.30pm: 09 846 2044 x 8131

Note on naming documents to be uploaded.

Documents to be uploaded with this application should be scanned and saved as .pdf files using names that indicate the contents.

Please use the file names:

  • Health Information
  • Statutory Declaration
  • Birth Certificate
  • Address confirmation
  • School Report
  • School House

Should you not have the facility to create .pdf documents, please bring the original documents to the School’s Student Centre where the Enrolment Officer will assist you.

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