Students are under the jurisdiction of the laws of New Zealand while they are in New Zealand. Students must not buy/drive or ride motor vehicles (cars/vans or motor bikes). If a student is found to have bought a vehicle, the School may enforce its sale and request proof of this.
Students may not take illegal drugs or buy alcohol. It is not acceptable to drink alcohol as a high school student in New Zealand.
Smoking is not permitted at MAGS, going to or from MAGS, in MAGS uniform, in homestays or the School boarding hostel School House
Students are expected to obey the MAGS conduct code (available separately), maintain good work habits, attend all timetabled classes and obey all accommodation rules (available separately). Students who do not maintain at least an 80% attendance record at all timetabled classes, or whose work habits are poor may not be eligible for qualifications.
Students breaking discipline rules may be given up to three written warnings before being crossed off the roll and the New Zealand Immigration Service (NZIS) notified. If a student is absent from MAGS for more than 20 consecutive school days without a good reason, then he/she will be taken off the roll and NZIS notified. Students who break MAGS rules in a serious fashion will be dealt with under the Education (Stand-down, Suspension, Exclusion and Expulsion) Rules 1989.