Pictured above, at left, BoT Chair Greg Moyle congratulates Mr Puhara on receiving the Herb Towers Award
Yesterday, before the end of year staff brunch, multiple staff members were honoured with awards for their dedication, professionalism and service to our school.
The awards were read out by Mr Drumm and presented by our BoT Chair Greg Moyle.

Mrs Wilson and Mrs Leonard received the CP Liddell Staff Award.
Visual Arts Teacher Ainsley Leonard and PE Teacher Jess Wilson, both appointed in 2012, received the CP Liddell Staff Award. These scholarships are worth $10,000 each and recognise excellence in teaching and contribution to the school.
English Teacher Michael Puhara received the Herb Towers Travel Prize for a professional development trip overseas. This award recognises outstanding service to MAGS.
Two new staff awards were presented this year: A Harmos Memorial Award. The family of Andrew Harmos has donated them as a memorial to Mr Harmos, who was a teacher at MAGS from 1971-1985. These awards recognise staff who have been exceptional in supporting the school’s mentoring programme and were presented to PE Teacher and Year 10 Girls Dean Claudia Goff and Mathematics teacher and Housemaster Daniel Menzies.
There was one final staff acknowledgement for Academic Dean Warwick Gibbs, who has been with MAGS for 50 years and was named Albertian of the Year 2021.
Plans to honour Mr Gibbs formally for his service and as Albertian of the Year have been scuppered by Covid-19 so Mr Drumm took the chance yesterday to emphasise the contribution Mr Gibbs has made to our school.
Mr Drumm said that Mr Gibbs had worked with four of the seven MAGS Headmasters. When he began at MAGS in 1972 he was working alongside staff who themselves began at MAGS in 1922.
“So in our 100th year Warwick brings a tangible connection right back to our first year as a school.”
Mr Gibbs is only the second non-Albertian (after our Archivist and staff member of 62 years Brian Murphy) to be named Albertian of the Year.