Short course champs ideal preparation

By September 10, 2018Sports News

MAGS swimmers put in impressive performances at the Auckland Short Course Championships over the weekend as they tuned up for NZ Secondary Schools Championships in Wellington later this week.
MAGS Swim Club coach Paul Kent said, “It was good to watch the MAGS team achieve such a high percentage of personal best times. Congratulations also to Brearna Crawford, Edie Ancell and Vasilina Shipilova for their championship wins, and Eva Williams for her medal placing. A special mention goes to Brearna Crawford for also achieving an Auckland Age 15yrs Record in the 100m Fly.”


Brearna Crawford            8 Gold | 1 Silver | 2 Bronze         2/11 Personal Best times

Vasilina Shipilova            2 Gold |1 Silver | 2 Bronze          9/10 Personal Best times

Edie Ancell                         1 Gold | 2 Silver                            9/9 Personal Best times

Eva Williams                      1 Silver                                           0/8 Personal Best times

Bowen Crawford                                                                        8/8 Personal Best times

Lucy Woodall                                                                              5/9 Personal Best times

Joseph Nathan                                                                           3/9 Personal Best times

Emily Cameron                                                                           0/8 Personal Best times