Rosa Jack and Matthew Batcheler (pictured above) have been named our Girls and Boys Dux respectively for 2021.
The announcement of our top academics was postponed last year – because no formal assembly could be held – in the hope that they could be acknowledged at our annual Scholars Assembly in February but that also had to be scrapped.
Rosa and Matthew, who both received C.P. Liddell Scholarships last year, also both gained six scholarships in the 2021 Scholarship exams.
Our Boys and Girls Proxime Accessit for 2021 have been named as Harding Gong and Nicole Muir, who gained four scholarships in the 2021 exams.
Last November, with Covid restrictions in place, there was no formal assembly. Instead, prizewinners were invited to pick up their certificates and, for special prizewinners, to have their photos taken with their trophies.
At the time, Head Girl Hana Hilson and Head Boy Marcus Savelio were named the Best All-Round Year 13 students as part of Senior Prizegiving 2021.
In 2021, the prestigious Gold Lion was awarded to five students: Wilhelmina Heeringa, Justin Hemara, Rosa Jack, Breanna Waka and Lucy Woodall. The Gold Lion is awarded to students who have gained all four lions – in Academia, Arts, Service and Sport.
Ella Vuetilovoni was awarded the Woolf Fisher Memorial Scholarship.
Deputy Head Boy Tali Afele and Pasilika Ulugia-Pua were honoured for Service to the School with the Isaac Gray Cup and the Girls’ Foundation Cup respectively.
Tali was also a co-winner, along with Deputy Head Girl Maria Boow, of the Neville Watson Memorial Prize for the Student who Best Typifies the Spirit of Mount Albert Grammar School. Maria was also awarded the Sylvia Lamb Benevolence Cup.
The Harry Wichman Cup for Best All-Round Year 12 Boy was awarded to Manas Chigurukota, while the The Linda Fraser Cup for Best All-Round Year 12 Girl was awarded to Greeshma Kasuganti.
The Warwick Gibbs Cup for the Best All-Round Boy in Year 11 was awarded to Sahil Kirpalani, and the Brian Murphy Cup for the Best All-Round Girl in Year 11 was awarded to Bella Houghton.
You can see the full list of prizewinners here