Today we acknowledged our Year 13 students, who (as Year 12s) achieved Excellence last year (at Level 2 or 3) in their NCEA exams and also those who gained Scholarships.
While we are unable to hold our traditional Scholars Assembly when Year 13 Leavers join others in the FW Gamble Hall, and this year’s event was scaled back, it was still important to recognise the achievements of our top scholars in a tough year for learning.
Certificates and Scholar Lions were presented to students, who gathered outdoors and then had their names read out before being acknowledged by their peers as they stood in front of the grandstand.
Special mention was made of Deboprana Mallick (pictured above), who not only achieved Level 3 Excellence as a Year 12 but also gained three scholarships (Calculus [Outstanding], Statistics [Outstanding] and Physics) and was among an elite group in NZ when she was named an Outstanding Scholar. She will have her name inscribed on our Honours Board.
Academic Dean Warwick Gibbs said Deboprana was a talented Mathematician, and had presumably returned as a Year 13 to improve upon her 2021 results.
Level 3 Excellence was also achieved by Nishera Gnanendra, Eva Wadsworth and Jennifer Zhou.
Year 12s who gained Scholarships last year were also recognised. They were: Hannah Brook, Molly Cavanagh, Wesley Donald (2 Scholarships), Alonso Fitzpatrick, Nishera Gnanendra, Greeshma Kasuganti, Yasmin Lakeman (2), Aleisha Roulston, Eva Wadsworth, Vivienne Hei Man Wong and Yujia Zheng.
You can see the programme for the awards and lists of awardees here