Quiz Night 2023 on August 18 was energetic and spirited as 340 staff and students gathered not only for friendly competition, but also to raise money for charity.
The 42 tables raised around $3000 to support Pasifika and Auckland youth and families through the Village Trust.
Everyone enjoyed seeing tables dressed up and decorated with lots of laughs at a variety of unique themes. Best dressed individual was won by Snow White, while the best dressed table was won by Scooby Gang with honourable mentions to Senior Leadership Team and the Fifa Women’s Football table.
The coveted first place was snagged by the English department’s ‘‘Deserters,” followed by the teachers’ team and the “Giblets” from 12GIB.
Thank you to the student-led Academic Council, Quizmaster Mr Barrett and Miss Hobbs for organising and running the event.
Photos / Sylvie Morrison