MAGS Megacrew successfully defended their national title and are the 2019 Hip Hop International NZ Megaschool Champions.
Director Arts Co-curricular Jacqui Cesan said, “Huge props to TIC Sam French and the leaders Ally Mayerhoffler and Moanekah Vai’i for their fantastic leadership and commitment, and to the 45 students who have worked so hard to prove that they are champions.
“There were 18 schools in the competition this year, and although there were some strong performances, I have to say I have never gone into the awards ceremony so confident of the win – they were that good!”
MAGS Megacrew broke through last year to claim the title for the first time after years of being close to the top.
The team will return to the finals night tonight at the Vodafone Events Centre in Manukau to perform their winning routine in front of an audience of 2000.
You can see their winning performance here