The Premier Girls grading round was played at St Cuthberts College against Epsom Girls Grammar.
A game in which MAGS remained in front the whole game finishing with the score at 6 – 4.
The Premier Girls grading round was played at St Cuthberts College against Epsom Girls Grammar.
A game in which MAGS remained in front the whole game finishing with the score at 6 – 4.
In the first of two grading rounds tonight played at Diocesan School pool MAGS played St Peters College.
It was a tight game with St Peters having a one goal advantage at half time but with the final score 7 – 7.
Mount Albert Grammar School would like to advise that Geoff Moon will be returned from Italy this Sunday, and will be brought into School House by family and friends at…
It is with great sadness that Mount Albert Grammar School advises that School House Director and First XV Rugby Coach Mr Geoff Moon has passed away. Geoff passed away last…
The National Touch competition was played out at Bruce Pulman Park with over 50 teams from round NZ.
The Senior Girls faced Hamilton Girls first up in the pool round losing that game 6 – 4.
The next game against Rangi Ruru College had MAGS at a disadvantage after 3 very quick tries and a half time score of 5 – 1 down.The second half saw a remarkable comeback with MAGS scoring 7 tries leaving the final score 7 – 5 to MAGS.