French students experience Kiwi life

A group of 17 students from a Paris high school have returned home after five weeks experiencing school and holidays in New Zealand with their MAGS buddies.

Each visitor from the school Sainte Croix de Neuilly was paired with a MAGS French student, and spent the last three weeks of Term 2 attending most classes with them. They stayed at their homes and enjoyed the school holidays with their host family before returning to France.

In December the French students will return the favour, when the New Zealanders travel to France to spend five weeks visiting Paris, attending their buddies’ school, and touring the country.

Below is a report on the French students’ visit by Head of Languages, Ms Helen Selaries: 

“From wearing uniforms to trying Marmite on toast, from walking windswept Muriwai beach to swimming at the Parakai hot pools, from Rangitoto to Hobbiton … the French exchange group got to see and do so much of what New Zealand has to offer.

During the school weeks they broke up their class time at MAGS by venturing out on day trips. Their three weeks at school passed quickly, and the students had many interesting observations about life as a pupil in MAGS – wearing uniforms, shorter school days, bringing lunch to school, the variety of subjects available such as Media Studies, Drama, Dance, and Agricultural Science, which they don’t have access to in Paris, and the very welcoming teachers.

Then it was holiday time with their host families. Happy French and MAGS students met at the airport to share stories of skiing, bungy jumping, visiting Waitomo, the South Island, National Park, Northland and of course Rotorua. Their many interesting photos show the range of activities which our generous host families offered their French student, or, for two of our families, two students.

The French pupils also remarked on and appreciated first hand the range of cultures and foods they experienced in New Zealand. Needless to say, the 2017 French Exchange (the third to date) was considered the most successful yet, thanks to the warm welcome and hospitality of our families.

By the beginning of Term 4, all thoughts will be turning to our return visit to France to reunite with the French students and meet their families.”