Jacqui Hand

Angus Scahill
Underwater Hockey

Waimana Riedlinger-Kapa

Caitlin Pritchard
All Rounder

James Kirkham
Mountain Biking
Five MAGS students were named the best in Auckland in their chosen sports at the College Sport Auckland’s Young Sportsperson of the Year Awards held at Eden Park on Saturday, 26 November.
Jacqui Hand won for Football, James Kirkham for Mountain Biking, Caitlin Pritchard in the demanding All Rounder category, First XV Captain Waimana Riedlinger-Kapa for Rugby and Angus Scahill for Underwater Hockey. Waimana was also a finalist for the overall Young Sportsman of the Year award.
Jacqui, Caitlin, Waimana and Angus are all part of New Zealand Champion teams for MAGS, and James won the AKSS Mountainbiking and NZSS Multi-Sport titles this year. Jacqui, Caitlin, Waimana and Angus have also represented New Zealand in international competitions.
MAGS had 15 finalists across 12 codes at this year’s awards, among the most of any school.