Year 12 Physics student Xander Pou was profiled on TV3’s The Hui on Sunday, 1 October. Xander went on the MAGS’ Physics trip to NASA’s student Space Camp in America…
Year 12 student Hugh Malcolm has been selected to compete at the German Language Olympiad in Freiburg for two weeks in July next year.
Senior Exams for most Year 11, 12 and 13 students run from Week 8 – Wednesday the 13th to Thursday 21st September. Friday the 22nd is also a day allocated for some to…
Defending champions MAGS were victorious once more at the annual Year 12 and Year 13 Auckland Geography Teachers Association Inter-school Geography Quiz held at St Cuthbert’s on Tuesday 8…
Year 13 student Isobel Welsford-Ackroyd spent July in Germany after winning a prestigious ILEP Language Scholarship.
A concept for a social media platform to help students study won the 2017 BP Business Challenge, run over three days from August 2-4.
Year 10-12 students are now invited to make their course selection for 2018. Visit the Course Selection page of this website to read the Senior Academic Guide and download the…
All students entering NCEA external examinations must pay their NCEA fee to the Finance Office by Tuesday, August 15. The school collects the fees on behalf of NZQA. The basic…