Boys Basketball team wins Bronze at NZSS

MAGS’ Premier Boys’ Basketball team played beyond expectation to won Bronze at the 2017 NZSS Championships in Palmerston North on Saturday, 7 October.

On the way to their medal the team caused an upset win against multi-title winning Westlake Boys, and was the only team in the Top 8 to have no New Zealand representative players. They won Bronze after beating Christ’s College 72-62 in the playoff.

Captain Mandela Baledrokadroka was named in the prestigious Tournament Team, marking him as one of the best players in the country.

Team manager, Mr Elliot Moka, said the team’s self-belief never flagged, and despite going into the top games as underdogs, MAGS played with spirit, confidence and character under pressure.

“Without any big names, the players relied on team work and heart where all members contributed positively to the end result,” said Mr Moka. “The team exceeded all expectations and can be justifiably proud of their third-place finish.”

Read the tournament report here