The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award scheme run through Mount Albert Grammar School continues to go from strength to strength. In addition to the 7 Gold recipents of the past few months, a further 29 students were awarded their Bronze and Silver Awards at assembly on Monday, 14 March.
The programme challenges young people to achieve goals through persistence, voluntary participation and challenge to the individual in categories of Service, Skill, Physical Activity and Adventurous Journey. Be it giving time to an organisation once a week over six months, or tramping 40km through the Waitakeres, all these students have met and overcome challenges along the way.
Recipients of the Bronze Award were: Anton Aish,Victoria Brosnahan, Catherine Butler, Cleo Chambers, Karen Geng, Liam Grozev, Lucy Harding, Brooke Harris,Nadine Hidalgo, Hannah Houghton, Sushma Kuncha, Miriam Leonhardt, Rose Malcolm, Victoria Marsh, Oliver Mathiesen, Oliver Ng, Will Newton, Tayla O’Brien, Dylan Owen, Liam Price, Farah Rahman, Shontae Roache, Eamon Sadler, Nicholas Sykes, Rachel Simpson
Recipients of the Silver Award were: Rhys Kontze, Ruby Johnston, Sanaz Samadian, Kushali Tuinder