The Minister of Primary Industries Mr Nathan Guy helped to begin a new chapter in the development of the ASB MAGS Farm on Friday, September 8.
MAGS’ classrooms, halls and courtyards were a sea of yellow, pink and blue for a fundraising Mufti Day on Thursday, 7 September. Collections of gold coin donations raised about $3100…
More than 200 students in 15 teams across 10 codes represented Mount Albert Grammar School at events throughout the North Island during the 2017 Winter Tournament Week from September 4-10.

NZSS 2017: MAGS’ last game v Manukura MAGS wins 30-6, finishes 7th overall We finished the tournament in some style with a convincing win against Manukura, who had pushed Tokoroa…
In the playoff for 5th to 8th, MAGS Rugby League First XIII came up against a Rotorua Boys High School side playing a fairly conventional one-out game but their halves…
Coming up against Sacred Heart Hamilton, MAGS’ Hockey Girls 1st XI knew if they won they were playing for places 1-4; lose and they were playing for spots 5-8. Sacred…

The Premier Basketball side played MacLeans College at the North Shore Events Centre winning the game 84 – 81.
This followed the earlier win against Manurewa High School 81 – 47. They will have to play Rosmini College in their pool and be either 1st or 2nd to advance to the cross-overs.