Senior Prizegiving on October 30 in the F.W. Gamble Hall was a celebration of our best and brightest. Ryan Shen swept the top boys' awards, being named Boys Dux and Best...
Our student-led Leavers Day on October 29 was a roaring success thanks to the work put in by our prefects and staff. Our 'Lions of 2024' were in high spirits...
Outstanding achievements and displays of sportsmanship were celebrated at the 2024 Sports Awards Dinner on October 23. MAGS also honoured our Director of Cricket, Mr Sail, who is retiring after...
On October 22, MAGS students, staff and families celebrated the achievements of our Pasifika cohort at the annual awards dinner. At a packed-out venue, guests heard about Pasifika success in...
On September 20, MAGS Drama hosted its first ever Junior Production Showcase, with 65 students performing across three shows. HOD Drama Miss Hughes said, "Parents and students alike were able...
The MAGS Dance Department finished off the term with a Scholarship Showing in the dance room on September 24. Twelve students have been working at Dance Scholarship this year, and...
On September 25 and 26, MAGS Drama invited family and friends to come and watch the Level 2 production of Dawn Raids. This play is a comedy-drama written by Samoan/New...
Our departing Deputy Principal John Stradwick has been named Albertian of the Year for 'Leadership and Service to Education'. Mr Stradwick, who has been appointed Principal of Cashmere High School...
Today's Service Lions Assembly saw students acknowledged for their sustained service to MAGS and the wider community. Service Lion badges were awarded to first-time recipients while re-awardees received certificates. The...