Agriculture students get hands-on experience

By October 20, 2017Academic News

Seven Agricultural Science students gained hands-on farming experience on a four-day trip to the Otiwhiti Sheep and Beef Station in Hunterville in the Manawatu.

Year 13 students Oliver Holst, Mackenzie Garrett-Dalton, Jeremiah Halaapiapi, Sawbira Harker and Kaveesha Ranmuthu, and Year 11 students Thys Dekker and Harrison Boswell, were accompanied by Head of Agricultural Science Ms Esther Hancock and teacher Mr Richard Fullerton. 

Otiwhiti is one of three agriculture cadet farms in North Island where students learn skills such as shearing, horseriding, mustering cattle and sheep, docking, drenching, quad-bike riding and tree planting. MAGS students tried their hand at each of these activities, and visited a sales yard and a meat works. Station owner Mr Charlie Duncan also took the group clay pigeon shooting and fishing.

Ms Hancock said the trip helped  set a real world context for the Year 13 students, and helped the Year 11 students see a future in farming. They could also use what they learned as evidence for unit standards.

The students agreed it was a great experience and the Year 11 students said they would love to go again. Next year the trip will run at the end of Term 1.