What is Te Puna o Wairaka?
Te Puna o Wairaka, also known as “Puna”, is the Māori Unit here at Mount Albert Grammar School. Puna is based in Te Puna Wānanga, a stunning cultural space that acknowledges the place of Te Ao Māori in the MAGS of today.
To put it simply, Te Puna o Wairaka is a whānau home base for our Māori students at MAGS. It is a safe environment within which our students are able to practice tikanga Māori (customs and traditions), as well as strengthen their knowledge of te reo through various kaupapa such as karakia, whakawhanaungatanga, pōhiri and kapa haka.
This is in addition to their learning within the Reo Māori and Reo Rangatira courses in the Māori Department.
It consists of four form classes: PN ABS, PNFRN, PNPAL and PNWAL. These are considered ‘vertical’ form classes, meaning they consist of both male and female students from Year 9 – 13.
Expectations of our Puna students:
While our main objective as kaitiaki (or guardians) of Puna is to support our students so that they can experience success as Māori within a mainstream context, we also have high expectations of our students. They are expected to uphold the following key principles:
– Manaakitanga; caring for one another
– Whaikoha; respecting all, including themselves
– Tino rangatiratanga; self-determination and pride in their language, customs and culture
In order for a student to become a member of TPoW, they must:
– Express interest on the MAGS application form (new students)
– Once accepted into MAGS, go through an interview process; this includes their immediate whānau and the staff of Puna
– They must be of Māori descent
– It is also compulsory for all Year 9 and 10 Puna students to study te reo Māori
– Students can apply to join Puna at any year level and at any stage throughout the year
If students are successful in gaining entry into Puna, it will then become their primary form class. In addition, during Y9 and 10, they will also have an ‘attached form class’ or mainstream form class that they will go to for inter-form competitions and group study/tutorials for assessments.
There are currently four Puna classrooms catering for more than 70 students in the unit, which continues to grow each year.
If you have any questions please contact us at the email addresses listed below.
We look forward to welcoming you to Te Puna o Wairaka!
Ngā mihi nui