Physical Education (PE) is a compulsory subject at MAGS in Years 9 and 10. From Year 11 students can choose whether to take Performance PE 1 or Performance PE 2 for NCEA Level 1. Performance PE 2 leads to Sports Leadership in Year 12 (NCEA Level 2) and Sports Coaching in Year 13 (NCEA Level 3). Performance PE 1 continues through to Level 3 and Scholarship. Both PE 1 and PE 2 pathways are university-approved and lead to tertiary study.
Years 9 and 10
Junior PE offers a variety of learnings and challenges to develop vital skills within our ākonga to help them reach their potential.
Ākonga will develop interpersonal skills through movement contexts allowing them to expand their physical literacy and become more confident in themselves as they accept challenges in varying contexts.
By the end of the junior programme students will have become more physically competent and have learnt new skills and knowledge that goes far beyond a classroom setting.
Students will have the opportunity to further develop their physical education as they move through to our senior programmes.
Years 11-13
Performance PE 1 or Performance PE 2
Performance PE develops the social, emotional, intellectual, and cultural capabilities of ākonga. These capabilities inform the ways in which ākonga understand movement contexts, provide diverse ways of participating in physical activities, and contribute to movement’s wider benefits to hauora. Covering learnings from Anatomy, Biomechanics, influences on movement, significance of large sporting events, and critical discussion of topical issues or trends in physical activity. Ākonga will develop and refine their understanding of what it means to be physically educated and promote physical education throughout their lives.
Sports Leadership and Sports Coaching have a focus on physical learning. Students develop their interpersonal skills in a group setting through adventure based learning, progress to leading Juniors within the school to engage them in being physically active, they move into coaching a MAGS team for 20 hours, complete a weight training unit focussed on Anatomy and movements. They also undertake a comprehensive First Aid certificate.
Career pathways
PE 1: PE teacher, physiotherapist, sports manager at corporate level
PE 2: Personal trainer, gym instructor, coach, sports co-ordinator for a school, club or regional/national body