This section details the School’s Academic offerings in the Performing Arts.
The Dance Department at MAGS is a vibrant and high-performing department with students of all year levels involved in both curricular and co-curricular activities.
Dance can be taken from Year 9 up to Scholarship level and is a fully recognised University entrance subject.
Dance at Mount Albert Grammar involves performance, choreography and dance theory and context to give students a holistic dance education. We cater for students who have no prior dance experience and those that have had previous dance training.
Many students who have only ever experienced Dance at MAGS have taken the subject through to tertiary level.
Students in Dance experience a number of different dance styles and genres and learn about the context and history of these dances. They also learn about the creative process and choreograph their own works. As well as this they learn interpersonal skills that enable them to communicate with clarity and in a positive manner. They also become familiar with working in a team and as individuals.
There are many co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities in Dance through the MAGS Hip Hop Mega Crew, Contemporary performance groups and cultural dance groups. We have an annual dance concert at the end of Term 1 in which all classes and students perform and present choreography.
Dance is also featured in Arts shows each year towards the end of Term 3. We actively seek opportunities for our dancers to perform both in school and in outside events. There are also leadership opportunities through the student Arts Committee.
If you have any questions please contact HOD Dance Miss Samantha French
The Drama Department at MAGS is a vibrant meeting place for Performing Arts students and an excellent subject choice for students who wish to pursue a career in acting, as well as for those who enjoy performing and who want to develop self-confidence. Our course offers both practical and theoretical knowledge. The courses we offer in Drama range from Year 9 all the way through to Scholarship and cater for all experience levels. Drama is a fully approved University Entrance subject, and offers NCEA literacy credits.
Students study different forms of theatre, including Pasifika, Māori, and New Zealand Theatre, Shakespeare, Epic Theatre, Mask, Physical Theatre, Absurdist Theatre, and Commedia dell’arte. The core acting techniques of body, voice, movement and space are studied at each level, as well as devising and script work. Emphasis is placed on participation and collaboration, as well as honing acting skills. Students learn how to be excellent creatives through their roles as actors, playwrights, directors and critics.
All students rehearse and perform a class production. At the junior levels, families are invited to watch during class time. Senior students present one large scale class production each year which is open to the school and public. Past productions include The Crucible, The Importance of Being Earnest, The Pohutukawa Tree, Niu Sila and To Kill a Mockingbird.
Drama students experience the work of professional theatre through trips to live performances by companies such as Auckland Theatre Company, the Pop Up Globe, Indian Ink, and Red Leap Theatre. Attending live performance enables students to reflect on their own work and become critical practitioners.
Leadership opportunities are open to students via the Drama Committee who meets once a week. We have leaders for each co-curricular group, as well as an overall Drama Leader.
Career pathways
While some students may launch straight into the creative industry, some Drama students may go on to tertiary study; auditioning to study acting at Unitec or Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School; or study Theatre Studies at a university – leading to a BA, MA, or PhD in Drama.
Co-curricular opportunities – open to all MAGS students
Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Competition
All students at MAGS have the opportunity to audition to perform in the national competition which is held at the end of Term 1. Senior students choose scenes to direct and run the auditions. This is a great opportunity to perform with students of different ages, to experiment, and work collaboratively on innovative projects. Awards for this competition include travelling to The Globe Theatre in London.
Theatresports is a fun, whanau orientated group of enthusiastic young people who meet once a week after school. Emphasis is placed on participation and growth of improvisation skills with training from student leaders and outside experts. Students are selected to represent the school in exchanges and in an Auckland-wide Theatresports competition. This group is available to students of all Year levels and experience.
Musical Theatre Group meets once a week to produce different numbers from a range of musicals. Run by student tutors, students in this group learn different performance skills specific to Musical Theatre, including singing and dance.
Backstage Help: Every production needs a crew. These are garnered through volunteering of students who are interested in drama technologies such as set, props, costume, makeup, lighting and sound.
The Music Department at Mount Albert Grammar offers a range of opportunities to enable all students to participate, and while we nurture the academic and practical aspects of the subject, we also emphasise the
enjoyment of music.
We offer music lessons for piano, guitar, most orchestral instruments, percussion/drums, and vocal tuition. Students are also encouraged to join our various ensembles, including our award-winning String Orchestra and Jazz Band, a Concert Band, School Orchestra, Chamber Group, Rock Band, and the Headmaster’s Choir, Ad Augusta. The musicians in these groups gain practical experience performing in various venues throughout the year.
We offer the following at the various year levels:
Year 9: An Option subject for one semester, two hours per week. Includes aural training, theory, music literacy, research, and recording original music (radio jingles and movie soundtracks).
Year 10: An Option subject for the whole year, two hours per week, or for one semester, four hours per week. Includes aural training, solo and group performance, composition, research, and score reading.
Year 11: NCEA Level 1. Includes solo and group performances, composition, the research and analysis of two contrasting music works, score-reading skills, and aural training. There are 30 credits available to choose from.
Year 12: NCEA Level 2. Includes solo and group performances, composition, the research and analysis of two contrasting music works, score-reading skills, aural training, and a New Zealand topic. There are 41 credits available to choose from.
Year 13: NCEA Level 3. Includes solo and group performances, composition and songwriting portfolios, the research and analysis of a substantial composition, tonal and harmonic analysis, aural skills, the influence of context on a substantial composition, and researching a music topic. There are 58 credits available to choose from.
Extra tuition for those wishing to sit Scholarship Music is also offered. Music at MAGS is a university-approved subject enabling students to go on to study Music at tertiary level.