Year 10 Speech winners

Headmaster Mr Patrick Drumm with, from left, Year 10 Speech winner Freeman McCall, Brearna Crawford, Vaibhav Nayyar, Kushan Kanji, Eric Shen and Fred Free Award winner Faolan Okan.

Faolan Okan has won the 2017 Fred Free Award for reading aloud, and Freeman McCall the Year 10 Speech Competition, after finals were held in the English Department on Friday, 20 October.

Fred Free was a Year 10 student who passed away in 1925. He was a promising public speaker, and an award was created in his memory. It is presented each year to the winner of a Year 10 speaking aloud competition. Faolan chose to read the poem I Am by Scarlet. Eric Shen came 2nd and Kushan Kanji 3rd.

A Year 10 Speech competition is run alongside the Fred Free event. Freeman McCall won with a speech about Dreams. Brearna Crawford came 2nd and Vaibhav Nayyar 3rd.